Ishak 是一位糖尿病患者,也有高血壓和膽固醇的問題,一路來用很多方法都解決不了,非常擔心隨時激發更嚴重的疾病。

他僅僅服用了 20天 Sop Subrashi + Utsukushhii,健康檢查報告讓他驚喜:
糖尿病指數由 7.1 降至 5.7
膽固醇水平 由 6.6 下降至 5.6

這短短時間的改變讓他深感震撼。Ishak 激動地分享:“僅 20天,我感受到了健康的奇蹟,Sop Subrashi 改變了我的生活!” 這是他對於健康重新出發的見證,他的康復之旅已經開啟了。

Ishak is a diabetic who also has issues with high blood pressure and cholesterol. Despite trying many methods along the way, he couldn’t find a solution and was very worried about triggering more serious illnesses at any time.

He took only 20 days of Sop Subrashi + Utsukushhii, and his health check report surprised him:

  • His diabetes index dropped from 7.1 to 5.7.
  • His cholesterol level decreased from 6.6 to 5.6.

These changes in such a short time left him deeply impressed. Ishak excitedly shared, “In just 20 days, I experienced a miracle of health. Sop Subrashi has changed my life!” This is his testimony of starting anew on the path to health, and his journey to recovery has begun.